Training / Coaching

15 Flexible Credit


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processes can be tedious when it comes to approving service agreements or
statements of work. Especially when you have a critical issue that needs to be
resolved immediately. Not to mention that budgets can change quickly, leaving
you in a bind when the need arises. Well, we have a way to avoid all that:
Flexible Credits (FC).

Credits are a currency that provides you with a flexible way to get short-term
services when you need them most. Flexible Credits can be purchased in advance
or at any time. You can redeem them at any time during the 12-month period from
the time of purchase for a variety of services.

Intended Audience

business looking to optimize the use of their IT infrastructure. Our goal is to
build a relationship of trust, quickly targeting the needs of your business
reality while proposing appropriate solutions.

Value Proposition

Credits can be redeemed for consulting services ranging from conceptual
planning, design to implementation assistance, analysis of your technology
environment or similar expert advice/assistance.

We leverage
our years of experience to help you capitalize on your IT investment without
overburdening your IT staff. Our expertise and proven delivery methodology
enable clients to achieve tangible results and return on investment in an
accelerated timeframe.